Estimate - Veer Buildhouse


Sunday, May 12, 2019


                 ENGINEER/ ARCHITECT
Ref--------------------    Date -
SUBJECT--- Estimate showing the proposed Building Belonging to -
LOCATION---  Mouza- ------- ,R.N.M.- ----- 01, B.NO.- 177 , P.H.NO.-22/19,K.NO.- 3069/19   Tah.-& Dist.-------
 ESTIMATED                AMOUNT---  RS.-   1403000.00 
RS.- Fourteen Lakhs , Three  Thousand  Rupees   Only.
RATES--- All   the rates are based  on S. O. R. -2014  and  current market rates.
PROVISION--- Estimate for proposed   Building     ---
Total Plot Area                                  =     660.00 Sq.ft
Proposed Ground Floor Area            =      378.00 Sq.ft
Proposed First  Floor Area                =     336.00 Sq.ft         
       TOTAL AREA                         =     714.00 Sq.ft

Mr. Shivkumar Suryavanshi S/O Anup Suryavanshi
GROUND FLOOR DETAILS ---------------
1 Excavation in all types of soils for                 
  all types and sizes of foundations              
  and drains including disposal of               
  excavated stuff upto 50m.lead and              
  a lift upto 1.50m.including dress-              
  ing and levelling of pits and dispo-              
  sed stuff as directed by Engineer-              
  in -Charge. 10 2.50 2.00 3.10 155.00 cum. 185.00 28675.00
2 Providing and filling in plinth with                
  sand/Crusher dust and hard moo-              
  rum under floor, including watering              
  and cost of all labour,material,T&              
  P etc. complete required for the               
  work. 1 27.05 sqm. 1.75 47.34 cum. 337.00 15952.74
3 providing and laying mechanically               
  mixed cement concrete with cru-              
  shed stone aggregate(with 40mm.              
  nominal size graded stone aggre-              
  gate). 10 1.40 1.25 0.10 1.75 cum.    
  a)in foundation and plinth. 1 27.05 sqm. 0.10 2.71 cum.    
  C)M-10     total------ 4.46 cum. 2100.00 9355.50
4 Brick work with well burnt open              
  bhatta crushing strength not less              
  then 20kg./sqcm. And water abs-              
  orption not more then 25% in               
  foundation and plinth.              
  a) Cement Mortar 1:8(1 Cement:              
  8 Sand)                             (9"Thick)   20.72 0.23 3.35 15.96 cum.    
                                          4.5"Thick   1.00 0.12 3.35 0.40 cum.    
        total 16.37 cum. 1955.00 31997.02
5 R.C.C. Providing and laying               
  mechanically mixed reinfoced                
  cement concrete excluding cente-              
  ring, shuttering and reinforcement               
  in foundation, plinth and              
  in superstructure upto a height of 10 1.20 1.20 0.25 3.6 cum.    
  4.0m above plinth level.  Fotings 10   1.20 0.30 3.60 cum.    
  columns 10 0.23 0.30 7.00 4.83 cum.    
  plinth beam 1 25.00 0.23 0.35 2.01 cum.    
  SLAB beam 1 25.00 0.24 0.35 2.10 cum.    
  slab 1 27.05 sqm. 0.13 3.52 cum.    
      total------ 19.66 cum. 3863.00 75942.72
6 Providing and placing in position               
  cold twisted steel and hot rolled               
  deformed steel reinforcement for        including cutting , bend-              
  ing  , binding etc.complete as per               
  deawings including cost of binding              
  wire and including all wastages etc.       1364.00 kg. 42.00 57288.00
  complete.       5200.00 kg. 42.00 218,400.00
7 Internal plaster-12mm thick                
  plaster d)In Cement Mortar 1:6              
  (1 Cement : 6Sand)              
8 External plaster- b)In Cement Mo- 1 20.72 3.70 76.66 sqm. 93.00 7129.75
  rtar 1:4(1Cement:4Sand)              
9 Rolling Shutter    0.00 0.00 1.00 No. 25000.00 25000.00
10 Providing and fixing in position               
  polished Marble stone25mm thick              
  flooring of any pattern over & incl-              
  uding 20mm thick cement mortar              
  in CM1:6 including cement flot               
  and filling joints with neat cement              
  slurry mixed with pigment to mat-              
  ch the shade of stone with finish-              
  ing, polishing, grinding and clean-              
  ing etc.complete including cost               
  of all materials labour T&P and               
  running and hire charges of all              
  machineries etc. running and hire              
  charges of all machineries etc.               
  required for the work at all heights.       37.00 sqm. 1400.00 51,800.00
11 Intrenal painnting- with synthetic               
  enamal paint on new work over               
  and including an under coat of               
  suitable shade without priming coat              
  to give an even shade.       102.59 sqm. 75.00 7694.25
12 External painting-with white               
  cement two or more coats on               
  work.       82.50 sqm. 65.00 5362.50
13 polishing-  on  shutter              
 two or more  coats.       0.00 sqm. 65.00 0.00
  FIRST  FLOOR DETAILS ---------------              
1 Brick work with well burnt open              
  bhatta crushing strength not less              
  then 20kg./sqcm. And water abs-              
  orption not more then 25% in               
  foundation and plinth.              
  a) Cement Mortar 1:8(1 Cement:              
  8 Sand)                             (9"Thick)   55.00 0.23 2.35 29.73 cum.    
                                          4.5"Thick   12.00 0.12 2.35 3.38 cum.    
        total 33.11 cum. 1955.00 64732.98
2 R.C.C. Providing and laying               
  mechanically mixed reinfoced                
  cement concrete excluding cente-              
  ring, shuttering and reinforcement               
  in foundation, plinth and              
  in superstructure upto a height of 5 1.20 1.20 0.25 1.8 cum.    
  4.0m above plinth level.  Fotings 5   1.20 0.30 1.80 cum.    
  columns 10 0.23 0.30 5.00 3.45 cum.    
  plinth beam 1 0.00 0.23 0.30 0.00 cum.    
  SLAB beam 1 53.00 0.24 0.30 3.82 cum.    
  slab 1 74.41 sqm. 0.13 9.67 cum.    
      total------ 20.54 cum. 3863.00 79343.32
3 Providing and placing in position               
  cold twisted steel and hot rolled               
  deformed steel reinforcement for        including cutting , bend-              
  ing  , binding etc.complete as per               
  deawings including cost of binding              
  wire and including all wastages etc.              
  complete.       2803.00 kg. 42.00 117,726.00
4 Internal plaster-12mm thick                
  plaster d)In Cement Mortar 1:6              
  (1 Cement : 6Sand)              
  2 9.67   3.15 80.26 sqm.    
  ROOM 1 3.00 2.65 7.95 sqm.    
  2 6.65   3.15 55.20 sqm.    
  TOILET  1 3.00 1.20 3.60 sqm.    
  2 4.20   3.15 34.86 sqm.    
  ROOM 1 3.00 2.45 7.35 sqm.    
  2 6.45   3.15 53.54 sqm.    
  TOILET  1 3.00 1.20 3.60 sqm.    
  2 4.20   3.15 34.86 sqm.    
        281.21   80.00 22496.88
5 External plaster- b)In Cement Mo- 1 50.00 3.70 185.00 sqm. 93.00 17205.00
  rtar 1:4(1Cement:4Sand)              
6 Providing wood work in feames of               
  doors, windows, clearestory windows              
      total------ #REF! sqm. 35.00  
  window and other feames wrought               
  framed and fixed in position.              
  a)other  wood                               D 0 0.13 0.06 5.48 0.00 cum.    
  D 3 0.10 0.06 5.18 0.09 cum.    
  D1 2 0.10 0.06 5.03 0.06 cum.    
  W 3 0.13 0.06 5.94 0.14 cum.    
  V 7 0.10 0.06 2.10 0.09 cum.    
      total------ 0.38 cum. 59063.00 22490.95
7 Providing and fixing 25mm. Thick               
  panelled, glazed or panelled and glaz-              
  ed shutters for doors, windows, clere-              
  story windows I/c M.S but hinges.              
  0 1.20   2.10 0.00 sqm.    
  D 3 0.90   2.10 5.67 sqm.    
  D2 2 0.75   2.10 3.15 sqm.    
  W 3 1.20   1.80 6.48 sqm.    
  V 7 0.60   0.45 1.89 sqm.    
      total------ 17.19 sqm. 2650.00 45553.50
8 Providing and fixing in position               
  polished Marble stone25mm thick              
  flooring of any pattern over & incl-              
  uding 20mm thick cement mortar              
  in CM1:6 including cement flot               
  and filling joints with neat cement              
  slurry mixed with pigment to mat-              
  ch the shade of stone with finish-              
  ing, polishing, grinding and clean-              
  ing etc.complete including cost               
  of all materials labour T&P and               
  running and hire charges of all              
  machineries etc. running and hire              
  charges of all machineries etc.               
  required for the work at all heights.       55.41 sqm. 1400.00 77,574.00
9 Intrenal painnting- with synthetic               
  enamal paint on new work over               
  and including an under coat of               
  suitable shade without priming coat              
  to give an even shade.       414.93 sqm. 75.00 31119.75
10 External painting-with white               
  cement two or more coats on               
  work.       198.00 sqm. 65.00 12870.00
11 polishing-  on  shutter              
   two or more  coats.       17.19 sqm. 65.00 1117.35
TOTAL 1026827.20
                    Add extra for Water supply ,sanitary , and Electrification  Etc. --------- 50000.00
                    Add extra for Tower,parapet, Boundary wall  Etc. --------- 58000.00
                                                 Add Extra For pop work        -------------- 125000.00
                                                Add Exrea for  almirahs       ------------- 76300.00
                                                Add Exrea for  Elevation Material       ------------- 67500.00
Grand Total-- 1403627.20
R.  O.-- 1403000 RU.
                     RS.- Fourteen Lakhs , Three  Thousand  Rupees   Only.

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