
Monday, December 10, 2018



After having selected the site, the next step is proper orientation of building. Orientation means proper placement of rooms in relation to sun, wind, rain, topography and outlook and at the same time providing a convenient access both to the street and back yard.
The factors that affect orientation most are as follows. 
• Solar heat
• Wind direction
• Humidity
• Rain fall
• Intensity of wind site condition
• Lightings and ventilation

SOLAR HEAT :- Solar heat means sun’s heat, the building should receive maximum solar radiation in winter and minimum in summer. For evaluation of solar radiation, it is essential to know the duration of sunshine and hourly solar intensity on exposed surfaces.

WIND DIRECTION :-  The winds in winter are avoided and are in summer, they are accepted in the house to the maximum extent. 

HUMIDITY :-  High humidity which is common phenomenon is in coastal areas, causes perspiration, which is very uncomfortable condition from the human body and causes more discomfort.

RAIN FALL :- Direction and intensity of rainfall effects the drainage of the site and building and hence, it is very important from orientation point of view.

INTENSITY OF WIND :- Intensity of wind in hilly regions is high and as such window openings of comparatively small size are recommended in such regions.

SITE CONDITIONS :- Location of site in rural areas, suburban areas or urban areas also effects orientation, sometimes to achieve maximum benefits, the building has to be oriented in a particular direction. 

LIGHTING :- Good lighting is necessary for all buildings and three primary aims. The first is to promote the work or other activities carried on within the building. The second is to promote the safety of people using the buildings. The third is to create, in conjunction to interest and of well beings.

VENTILATION :- Ventilation may be defined as the system of supplying or removing air by natural or mechanical mean or from any enclosed space to create and maintain comfortable conditions. Operation of building and location to windows helps in providing proper ventilation. A sensation of comfort, reduction in humidity, removal of heat, supply of oxygen is the basic requirements in ventilation apart from reduction.

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